Rickey entered the oil and gas industry as a landman in 2007 and in 2008 he became an in house title attorney at a large publicly traded exploration and production company located in oklahoma city. Oklahoma oil and gas title opinions division order drilling well bore seismic evaluation the oklahoma city law firm of mahaffey gore pc.

Chris Jones Holland Hart Llp
Hunt iioil and gas title examination.
What is an oil and gas title attorney for. Oil and gas law 187 oil and gas news 83 real estate law 50 real estate news 14 construction law 10 texas supreme court updates 8 rural water utilities 8 development law 7 property owners associations 6 mortgage lending 5 water law 5 premises liability 2 view more topics. Instruments affecting title to the oil gas and mineral estate. Where an oil and gas lessee asserts a right stay in the lease after the expiration of the lease term and cessation of production where there has been a fraudulent conveyance of the property a quiet title action serves to determine what actual interest any party holds.
Oil and gas law for the most part is a combination of real property law and contract. The oil and gas industry is a primary factor in the healthy economy our state enjoys. The basics 1oil gas nat.
Entities are entitled to hold title to real property. Overview of new mexico oil and gas law. Oil gas titlereviewing oil gas title abstracts prepared by 3rd parties.
Oil and gas law in the united states is the branch of law that pertains to the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil before discovery and after its capture and adjudication regarding those rights. Generally a lease conveys the oil and gas interest for a set. Jeff hirzel has experience in this field and can be helpful to clients who have interests or holdings in oil and gas.
This is a great opportunity to work with the leading oil and gas title group in. The oil and gas attorneys at obp can also assist in preparation or review of the numerous other documents that often arise in oil and gas development including surface use agreements easement agreements drilling agreements operating agreements and pooling agreements. Is thorough and adept at researching drafting and reviewing title opinions for producers and interest owners in the oklahoma oil and gas industry.
Resources energy j43. The title attorney is tasked with forming an opinion.

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